HatTricks Robotics Festival
HatTricks is a qualifying event for FIRST Lego League Junior, FIRST Lego League & FIRST Tech Challenge; located at Hatboro-Horsham High School.
Students from Hatboro-Horsham schools on our FLL & FTC teams compete among teams from other schools around the area. Saturday, December 14th, 2019 7:00 am - 5:30 pm Hatboro-Horsham elementary & middle schools FLL & FTC teams compete at this competition. It is typically the first weekend in December. |
2019 Event Information Packet![]()
Event LocationHatboro-Horsham High School
899 Horsham Road Horsham, PA 19044 |
This is a great opportunity for students and adults to see the evolution of the FIRST Programs. Additionally, there will be a static display of our High School’s 2019 FIRST Robotics competition robot!
We anticipate just over 1000 attendees on Saturday, including:
We anticipate just over 1000 attendees on Saturday, including:
- 10 FIRST Lego League Junior Teams
- 36 FIRST Lego League Teams
- 30 FIRST Tech Challenge Teams.
Event Schedule
FIRST Lego League Junior:
9:30 AM - Team Check-In 10:00 AM - Team Demonstrations 11:30 AM - Team Demonstrations 11:45 AM - Team Celebration 12:00 PM - FLL JR. Competition Ends FIRST Lego League:
7:00 AM - Volunteers Arrive and Check-in 8:00 AM - Team Registration 8:30 AM - Competition Meeting (Coaches) 9:00 AM - Opening Ceremony 9:30 AM - Judging Starts 12:30 PM - Lunch 1:15 PM - Robot Matches Begin 5:00 PM - Awards and Closing Ceremonies 5:30 PM - Event Complete |
FIRST Tech Challenge:
7:00 AM - Volunteers Arrive and Check-in 7:45 AM - Teams Arrive and Check-in Robot and Field Inspection Begins 8:20 AM - Judge Interviews Begin 10:15 AM - Robot and Field Inspection Ends 10:30 AM - Drivers Meeting 10:45 AM - Queue First 2 Matches 11:00 AM - Opening Ceremonies 11:15 AM - Qualification Matches Begin 12:30 PM - Lunch Break 1:00 PM - Qualification Matches Resume 3:15 PM - Semifinals 4:15 PM - Finals 5:00 PM - Awards and Closing Ceremonies 5:30 PM - Event Complete |
Event Rules
Hatboro-Horsham HatTricks Venue Rules:
- Bring your Gracious Professionalism!!!!
- Outside food is not permitted in the venue.
- Exceptions are made for religious or allergy concerns only. Individuals / teams ordering delivery is PROHIBITED This has been a problem at prior events and cause a significant stress on relationships with the Horsham Community when deliveries cannot be found or completed.
- No Loud noise makers
- Including bull horns, slap sticks, fog horns, live bands, loud radios, etc…
- No Food or Drinks permitted in the Gyms
- Only Water is permissible in either of the gyms
- Leave No Trace
- Please ensure that anything brought into the venue will not mark/scuff the floors. We will provide a table which will have rubber feet to ensure that we don’t mark up the floors. At the end of the event it would be extremely helpful if teams clean up their trash and place it in one of the trashcans in the pits/gyms/cafeteria.
- Please encourage your students to stay in the FIRST Robotics “Universe” and not to wander the building!
- Doors between wings in our building lock automatically unless they are in the FIRST “Universe” on competition day. Please be sure not to go past any signs indicating “This is the End of the FIRST “Universe”
Contact Us
We are looking forward to a great event and are excited to see you all this Saturday!!!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.
The best contact address is [email protected] which will email the event committee.